Public Safety Workforce Blogs

Emerging Trend: Civilianizing Police Leadership and Diversifying Department Staff

Posted by Jackie Belasky

Dec 14, 2023 4:16:36 PM

Police departments across the country are facing a critical challenge. Staffing shortages are leaving departments understaffed and overwhelmed. A 2019 survey conducted by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) revealed that 78% of agencies struggle to recruit qualified personnel. The situation is dire.

This shortage is not just a numbers game; it reflects a deeper issue of declining public trust in law enforcement, exacerbated by high-profile incidents straining community relations. But one solution has emerged in the form of civilian police involvement. In this article, we will explore the benefits of civilianizing police department leadership and diversifying department staff.  

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What Leaders Can Do About Occupational Stress in Policing

Posted by Jackie Belasky

Nov 28, 2022 12:00:45 PM


Life as a police officer is incredibly stressful. Not only do officers have to deal with dangerous and stressful situations, but they’re also often excluded from their communities. The continued popularity of social media and the stereotyping it often fuels has only increased the impact of forced isolation on police officers. Pair these stressors with the hundreds of others that can impact your officers in their work, and you have a recipe for police burnout.

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Why Training & Tech Are Top Priorities for Law Enforcement Agencies

Posted by Jackie Belasky

Nov 5, 2022 3:14:15 PM

The National Employee Survey for Law Enforcement reveals that officers consider technology and training to be one of the top concerns in their departments. Nationwide, 95% of officers responded that their main concern was law enforcement training in areas such as de-escalation techniques, crisis resolution, and mental health management, and 89% said that technology, such as drones and less-lethal weaponry, was their second priority. Officers believe that technology will not only improve their policing ability but also mitigate their taxing workload. Technology is transforming our world, and the field of law enforcement is no exception. As innovations arise, agencies must introduce new technologies as well as train officers how to use them properly and effectively.

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Are Your Off-Duty Policies Putting Your Agency at Risk?

Posted by Jackie Belasky

Jul 5, 2022 10:32:11 AM

Public safety agencies nationwide are constantly looking for ways to improve the efficiency, fairness, and safety of their scheduling policies. Adding off-duty programs not only increases scheduling complexities, but also adds risks and potential liability. It’s imperative to have well defined, enforceable polices in place to help mitigate these risks.

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Beyond 2020 and Its Effect on 2021 Law Enforcement

Posted by Jackie Belasky

Nov 18, 2020 5:23:16 PM


Like many aspects of life in 2020, the structure of law enforcement is undergoing fundamental shifts. Falling revenues have cut deeply into agency budgets and public protests have increased tension and created uncertainty. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic has placed additional stress on police and sheriff’s department budgets and resources. What a year! As we are on the threshold of welcoming in 2021, let’s look at the types of changes law enforcement can expect as a result.


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